Part 90: Ep. 63: The Nightshade Factor

Last time on MySims Agents
: It was Madame Zoe behind it all, all along! Confronted by the evidence, she gave up the crystal and Cyrus' will...
Violet and Carl escort our intrepid agents out to the end of the walk, where the jump jet is parked. Sam turns around.

: I suppose there's no harm in telling you.
Aw, little Poppy and Violet.

: That's why you refer to him as Uncle Cyrus?

: Yes, he was like family. But there was more... he and Mother were both part of a special project... a group that researched the properties of the fortunite.

: The same group that made the Crown of Nightmares?

: That crown is evil. It can do terrible things!
Oh, smooth move.
Sam turns to Buddy.

: Let me, Buddy...
Sam steps forward.

: We heard that he was in a fight with the others in the group.

: Oh, yes! Once they realized how dangerous the Nightmare Crown was, they pledged to destroy it.
Violet sighs.

: Morcubus was furious. He wanted to keep the Crown for himself.

: Why does he need the fortunite?

: Well, you helped Carl even when the evidence was stacked against him. I think I can trust you.
no, you fool

: But what if he just makes his own crown?

: He can't.
Maybe he could make a powerful enough crystal to replace the fortunite... but the Crown is unique.

: Evelyn's dad!
So it comes down to this: having the fortunite crystal is great and all, but both we and Morcubus need the actual, original Crown. Which means that... we need to find Dr. Gray.

: Keep the crystal safe, Sam, and don't underestimate Morcubus.

: Thank you, Violet.
Sam heads for the jet. Buddy steps up.

: Take care, guys!
Buddy follows Sam to the jet. Violet waves goodbye, then heads back to her new mansion.
Fortunite crystal tucked safely in his jacket pocket, Sam returns to HQ!

Next time on MySims Agents
: ... so, what now, pal?